Prenatal Class
Second Time Parents (or more!)
Whether it’s your second, third or fourth baby, each birth experience will be unique!​
Catered to second time or more parents, our classes serve as a refresher to help you navigate down the once travelled journey. Giving you the confidence you need for birth, postpartum and how to manage a growing family.
$750 (private sessions)
2 hours over 2.5 sessions
Topics Covered
Session One
"Mind, Heart, Body Connection"
​The first session touches upon mental and emotional preparation as an individual and a couple. It also introduces you to the biomechanics of the pelvis and birthing body.
Understand the neuroscience of how your brain works and the connection to your physical body
Learn techniques to access your subconscious mind and release negative thoughts
Explore the parent within; identify and clear triggers through inner healing
Connect with yourself and your partner
The importance of balance, movement and gravity in labour
Spinning Babies | Optimal Maternal Positioning techniques
Partner support

Session Two
"Labour & the Fourth Trimester"
The second session focuses on labour & birth, medical interventions, advocating for your rights and the fourth trimester
Understand the common medical and non-medical options
Writing your birth plan
Know your rights - advocating for your birth
Navigating the hospital system
Understand the art & science of breastfeeding
Understand newborn sleep and the tools you can use
Strategies to help you navigate the first few weeks
Integrating your newborn with your child(ren)
Perinatal mental health
Self-care for you and your partner
Nourishing our relationship