What is induction? Why do I need it? How will induction affect my labour? Will it lead to a belly birth?
These are some very common questions circling around induction. Firstly, I would like to start off by saying that having an induction is not necessarily a negative choice. However, KNOWLEDGE IS POWER - it is so important to equip yourself with information so that you know what is happening to your body, what your alternatives are, the risks and benefits involved… and how to navigate in the event of an emergency.
Why Induction?
So let’s start with why… Here are some reasons for your medical care provider may suggest an induction:
Growth issues with baby
Health issues with the birthing person (eg. diabetes, high blood pressure or preeclampsia)
Uterine infection
Placenta Abruption (placenta separating from uterine wall)
If pregnancy goes over and there are issues with amniotic fluid, placenta, baby’s health
Going over your due date is not a reason to induce unless there are risks involved for the birthing person and baby. For more evidence-based information, see https://evidencebasedbirth.com/evidence-on-inducing-labor-for-going-past-your-due-date/
What is Induction?
Induction happens in two scenarios - if labour has not started and so you need some help to it get going. Secondly, if labour has started, but for whatever reason has slowed down or stopped, you need help to speed up labour.
How is Induction done?
There are 2 categories of induction - natural methods and medicalised methods.
Here are more resources: https://evidencebasedbirth.com/category/series/natural-labor-induction-series/
Always do your research and check with your medical care provider regarding any of the methods!
Throughout your journey, I want you to remember that this is your body, your birth and your right. You have the right to information and making informed choices. You also have the right to deny or ask for more time - as long as mother and baby are fine, and there are no immediate issues. Here are some questions you can clarify with your care provider (in a respectful manner):
Why is my doctor recommending an induction?
Is there an existing complication thus the reason for induction, or is there a possible variation that may lead to a complication?
What are the benefits of an induction in my situation?
What are the risks of an induction in my situation?
Is there an alternative method?
What are the consequences of waiting and not doing anything?
Is there anything else that I can do to reduce some of these potential risks?
If choose to delay or deny and induction, can we have additional monitoring, so coming in more often for check-ups
I hope that this article has given you some clarity on what induction is!
With love & gratitude,
Chantel Kismet
This article does not serve as medical advice, please always check with your doctor
Parenthood | Motherhood | Birth | Induction | Birth Options | Pregnancy